Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time can do so much...

In a recent episode of Through the Wormhole, with Morgan Freeman, the theory was brought up that some people support about time. Basically, some theorists think that what we know about time, in terms of hours, minutes, seconds, etc is not completely legit. They suggest the idea of time having two dimensions instead of just one dimension. I liked this idea because I feel like it validates why I am always late. As, what we know about time may not be as valid as we thought. So, after watching this I have become somewhat occupied with the thought of time, and portraying time visually. Time is the one common denominator in every persons life, no matter who you are, where you live, what language you speak. You are none the less affected by time. Time is like the huge elephant in the room in every one's life, whether it is not enough time left to a terminally ill person or too much time to an unemployed or transient person. Time is what draws us all together, even if some of us are running 10-15 behind.
So, I have noticed that I keep photographing time, and I have been doing it subconsciously for awhile. It is like taking a picture of where you parked your car when you get somewhere, by far one of the coolest thing I was taught by my editor at JU. Anyways, I have noticed looking back at some of my pictures, like this one I took when me and my boyfriends went to watch the shuttle Atlantis launch. I take tons of pictures of time. So, if what we know about time is, in fact, expired, what does that mean about how we relate to time now?
Well, we don't really have to worry too much about that as times other illegitimate dimension is just a theory, for now, until it needs money for college. Anyways, so in browsing my play instantly Netflix options the other day, I came across this movie, Timer, well, that seems up my alley already and I am solely basing it on the title. So, I watched it. And it takes this odd sci-fi approach to finding soul mates and totally takes the fun out of life and instills frantic paranoia. So, this was a great movie. Modern science is able to install a timer on your wrist and it will count down to the day you are to meet your alleged soul mate. That is, assuming, that your alleged soul mate also has had a timer installed. This makes me think, can I have a timer that will tell me when I meet people in my life that are real friends? Or rather maybe I could get a bull shit meter, or something similar. I am not a fan of a soul mate timer, as I am not a believer in soul mates, but that is for another day. I really think that a device can be fabricator to determine if and when we meet people that they are good people and will make a good friend. Aside from carrying around a lie detector machine and awkwardly hooking up random people you just met to this device, thus challenging any chance at actual friendship by immediately questioning their trust, morals and friendship capabilities, there must be a way to filter out the assholes.
Maybe there is a way to alter the current watches, clocks and other devices with alarms to where the alarm will sound when someone that is a little shady comes into life. Maybe like a loose morals monitor. I am no scientist here, but I am almost certain there is a way.
I am being legitimately serious here, I am not getting any younger and I am growing tired of having people in my life turn into raging bitches of betrayal. Now, you all should know, if you have the ability to read this, I am clearly not talking about you. If you can see it but don't understand it, maybe you just simply cant read. I like my life alot, I love everything about it. I have a cool job, I wish I made alot more money, but I have a great ass job. I love my boyfriend, sometimes it pisses me off when he changes the channel when I am watching stuff, but I still love him to pieces. I have a great family, and I have great friends, for the most part, but I cannot take the people that have multiple personalities all of which have personality disorders.
I would like to know where I can purchase my loose morals monitor and if I can pay online uses my debit card. This post has gone completely off track, and I am okay with that, as I dont have time to write it over.

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