Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank you, come again?!?!

Right so, there is a restaurant near my boyfriends house and they have delicious wings. And on Tuesdays you can get those delicious wings for like 55 cents. They have really good food on days other than Tuesday, too. And they have cheap beer. So, being that it is super close to my boyfriends house, and delicious we eat there often. And I really do not want to give away the name of this establishment because I'd like to think that what I am about to describe to you is merely a fluke in their logistics operations.
So, last night we go to said restaurant near the NAS area, and it is not wing night but it sure is build your own burger night! WooHoo!! So ironically we end up ordering the same thing, a medium rare burger, with mushrooms, bacon, bbq sauce and onion straws and onion rings. Remember this.
We eat our appetizer and it was delicious. Our food comes out shortly thereafter. It is important to remind you readers, or reader I should say, I am wearing a white shirt, which I never wear white unless I am shooting and it is hot outside. So, I have braved the white for once. The waitress walks up to our table carrying two plates. Just two, with her TWO hands. Gets to the table puts my boyfriends food in front of him and puts mine in my lap.
Yes on the one day I wear white, and did you remember I ordered bbq sauce. Now, I am not a mean person and I couldn't be mad at her, I was a server. I never spilled anything on anyone, but I was a server. So, after many fake apologies and I have never done that befores, she cleans up her mess, and I ask her if she can bring me a wet towel or something as I am now wearing white and my dinner. What does she say but, there are some wet naps on the table near the napkins.
And, I am getting mad now. One, I asked for a towel, not a fun sized towelette. It is called a towelette because it doesn't fit the requirements of being a towel. Two, there were no wet naps near the napkins, just sugar. So, am I supposed to use that?!? And be greasy and gritty and attract ants??
So, she says to us, well, you ordered your burger medium rare, so it wont take long to remake, I'll have them do it on the fly. Uh....yeah you will because YOU DROPPED MINE ON ME. So, my boyfriend has his food, and he is so sweet he tries to give it to me and wait for the other one. But, I want to wait and eat together as that's why we went out to eat at said restaurant near Pizza Hut, but not Pizza Hut, that has trivia on Monday nights.
In tradition of bas service, our server is now taking forever to do everything, I think it's because she is avoiding our table now. She comes by to tell us it will be out any minute and we remind her that she has yet to bring us the sauce that comes with our onions rings and that burger number one is missing onion straws. So, what else do you do when your in this boat? Order a beer. When my food FINALLY comes out, we still have no sauce for our onion rings or my previously mentioned beer. But, she did remember to put some onion straws in a bowl for burger number one, which she almost dropped on me!?!?!
By now, I am hungry enough to have started picking of off my boyfriends plate, which is now cold. So, I am not into anything but eating. After our food is dropped off, and she is reminded again,we get our onion ring sauce.
So, a nano-bit into my burger, I happen to notice that it is basically raw. Not medium rare, not rare, raw. You can taste the cold hamburger and the bottom of the bun in covered in salt. And the onion rings are kinda not done either. I'd rather wait for my food to be cooked properly than eat salty, raw junk.
So, when our server comes back to our table an ice age later. My boyfriend, who is now eating the raw burger and has given me his and I keep offering it back to him but he has lost his appetite over all this, tells the server what is up and that we just want our check so that we can just leave, after he lists all her eff ups. So, what does she do? Bring us our check and the beer we ordered when Baroque art was cool. Really lady? Whatcha doing that is taking you forever and a day to complete one task?
So, now, I really do not want to mention the name of said establishment because I hope this is a one time rarity, but, really come on. No ones going to go to all your poker nights if your servers are retards.

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