Saturday, March 19, 2011

Truth is generally the best vindication against slander

"The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything."

I'd like to add, it's only after you realize who your true friends are that you are free to do anything. Finding out who they are is the hardest part of all. Michelle and Barack Obama just recently did a PR event on bullying in youths, and it was very touching and supportive for those who are bullied. Maybe most people don't realize that bullying is an ageless issue. It doesn't matter how old you are, someones always gong to want to  push you around.
Here's the thing though, I am tired of it. I was picked on as a child because I was a chubby kid.Well, as an adult, a much thinner adult, I am still picked on. I bother no one, I am nice to everyone I meet. And yet, I still cannot escape the depths some will go to in an effort to make themselves feel better.
Its has been about 8 months that I have tried to be the bigger person and ignore the things people said about me for no good reason.
I am not an insecure person at all and I have spent years honing in on the people around me. I have surrounded myself with the best of the very best and those are my friends. I have no room in my life or my closet to manage baggage that belongs to others.
Everyone is bullied at one point in life or another, but it usually ends with adolescents. Notice, I didn't mention an age. When adults become targets of bullying the stakes are alot higher. When adults become bullies, the levels they will stoop to are alot lower. It has been almost a full year that I have been dealing with alleged adults and their sophomoric behavior. I have learned that being the bigger person and ignoring them only adds fuel to their fire. However, I am only willing to ignore them. I have no time to acknowledge their ratchet ways, nor do I even want to. Just hearing about it is exhausting enough, how do people have this much time? Most of this targeted bullying stems from jealously and that's a shame.
The moral of this story, is that we, as humans, need to start thinking a little bit more about what we do. And what we say and stop making crap up. If you have that much time to dedicate to enviously destroying someones life, let me know, I have some paperwork you can file or cars to wash. Go volunteer somewhere or get a job. And when you are down trying to ruin my life and realize it's not working, look back and calculate how time and dedication you wasted. Time, you will never get back.

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