Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Caution: Thinking area, Hard Hat Required

At some point in my '25' years of Earth dwelling, I have developed the highest level of stress that can be obtained. Always over achieving, I guess. After having tried everything to curb this stress situation and failing, I am now publically venting in an attempt to be more relaxed. So, by reading this maybe I can push my stress to others, sharing is caring.
And what is bothering me today, you may not be wondering. Jerks. That's what is on my mind. Tire Kingdom is full of jerks.
Thanks for telling me what's wrong with my car in mumbo jumbo and then quoting it at over $600, I can get some mumbo jumbo from Fast Wok for 6.99, and get a free fortune cookie.
The man on the phone, 'Justin' if that's his real name, really thinks I know what a rear brake cylinder drum is. I barely knew where Tire Kingdom was. Furthermore, rear brake cylinder drum, sounds dirty. That's sexual harrasment 'Justin' and I don't have to take it.
Come on people, look at me, I don't know anything about cars and you can tell, lets be honest.


  1. That is how mechanics get you! Especially women! They prey on us....IM SERIOUS! I thank God everyday...which can be unusual...lol...that my Fiance' is a handy man, mechanic, roofer, just all around knows some good stuff! He has saved us TONS of money by doing alot of work himself...I would be lost and drained of money if I didnt have him! LOL! So for your personal info..if you ever have some car issues or something...send me a message on FB or something...I am passing out my Fiance' for good reason that he may be able to help! LOL! :D

  2. I for sure will!!! Thank you so much! I kept saying to the guy you are trying to confuse me. And finally I just said call my boyfriend. AND on top of that the work that was needing to be done, they did originally! And they had my car ALL DAY. From like 10:30am until almost 8pm. Rude!!!
