Thursday, March 17, 2011

You had forgot your dog, sir.

People complain about children in restaurants, smoking in bars, or well, anywhere. So, why is that people are so tolerant of dogs in public? And I am not talking about dogs in parks. I am talking about little pocket-sized dogs that are more of an accesory than animal. Why would you think to take your little screecher somewhere where you know you will have to leave them unattended outside while you use the bathroom or order your drink from Starbucks? I am not a dog sitter. And I am not amused. I am here with a friend catching up, not dog sitting. Park Place is an establishment where you can take your little pooch and they can watch it. That's what they do. I'd rather hear some moron picking a new ringtone than your screechingly loud, scrappy bark. Dogs are not appropriate in public places like this. If I walk by and your dog jumps on me, you're getting a bill for my dry cleaning.
We all know that the dog owner in question would complain if he was in a restaurant and a baby was crying. Sir, it's a baby, they are ALLOWED here! And when people start shooting you dirty looks, it's because your dog has been barking for an hour and it's triggering, not only my ADD, but my turettes.
Seriously, when did courtesy escape us? I'll hold the door for you, no problem, but not your dog. I have a dog. I love dogs, but my dog stays home because as cute as she is, she will take you out like a line backer if she jumps on you. It's not cool to bring your dog where food is served is anyways.
If your dog can fit in a tote bag, that doesn't mean you have to utilize it and tote it around all day. If you must, and I mean must tote the dog about, tote it to the dog park. Just saying.

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