Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm not as dumb as you look.

Delicious Installment Number Two

Today I learned that people think I am dumb. HA! That's good keep thinking that. Here is the situation and it happens all the time and being that I am not dumb, magna cum laude, I picked up on this a long time ago.
This is how the situation goes. I get a call from someone that I barely know and haven't talked to them in eons, and mind you, I am ok with that. My 'friend' that I didn't know I had is getting married or having a baby or something big and important. They would be honored if I could attend. Well, I can't. I know that you are going to call me sometime before your event and casually chat me up and then ask if I can bring my camera and take some shots, just a few, we'd appreciate it.
Well, I can't.
You want me to take pictures while I am there, pay me. I don't pull that crap on you when I run into to you at your job, mainly because, I am trying to find a way to avoid talking to you, as WE ARENT FRIENDS. This is what you will end up with for the next person calls me and pulls the remember me card.

Maybe you won't have my closet in the frame but that's what you get. I will take 3000 pictures of myself, that way you can remember what I look like for next time you see me avoiding you in a store. And then maybe you won't call me. I work hard, very hard, if I want to do something for free I can find plenty on my own do to. If my ACTUAL FRIEND needs a favor, I am your gal. However, if the we had a ninth grade math class together and we sat across the room from each other and that was the extent of it. We probably aren't friends.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends, and I will do anything for them. But if you have to hire a private investigator to get my phone number, we aren't friends and we never will be because now you are also a creepy stalker and I am filing for a TRO.
Sidenote: I am trying to quit smoking. So, if everyone could just use more common sense, I'd appreciate it.


  1. WOW! the way...i need a favor! LMAO! j/k! Thats funny....and ya know I get that alot now too. I work for an attorney in downtown Jacksonville and for some reason alot of people seem to think oh well can u do this for me, oh and can u ask him about answer....NOPE! If you wanna know something call HIM YOURSELF! I am a paralegal NOT a Lawyer! LOL!BTW...congrats on the trying to quit smoking...I wish I could! I turn into MEGA-B*TCH when I try! :D xoxo

  2. Isn't it so annoying?!?! Don't get me wrong, I love helping people out but come on when I haven't seen you in YEARS! Oh, by the way Geri, can you ask your lawyer friends if I can sue these people for being rude....hahaha
