Monday, March 14, 2011

You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.

Everyday I drive down the same road at the very same time, everyday. Everyday. If you are familiar with the west side of Jacksonville, I drive down Wesconnett between Blanding and 103rd, everyday. There is a middle school on said road. There is also a sign with a FLASHING LIGHT, when it's FLASHING, the speed limit is 15mph. We all know how a school zone works.
Everyday, I end up behind some lady in a Buick that somehow believes that the whole entire road is a school zone from sunrise to sunset. She also feels 15 mph is far too fast as there is a school!!
Is it legal to pass a car in a school zone? I need to know. You all know when you get behind someone that slow and you start swerving a little right to left so that people behind you can see it's not you holding up life in general. Everyday I see this lady and if I had enough time I would follow her home and let her know the school zone in question is 15 mph and less than 10 feet in length.
In other news, I finally got paid from the job I shot in January from JU. Wow. Really! Now being my Alma Mater I won't trash you too much. However, when I attended JU, and was a day late on my outrageously high tuition you froze my account and dropped my classes. Now, when the tables are turned, it's no big deal. And you know what JU, that's why nobody likes your ass.
And lastly, a quick update on quiting smoking, it sucks and it's hard and I don't want to do it anymore. After trying almost everything, of all people my girl parts doctor has given me the best advice. I will share it with you all because sharing is caring. Now part one, my doctor will not give me birth control after a certain age if I still smoke, well, I don't want kids, so that lights a fire up under my butt. I used the fire to light my smoke. Part two, I have to limit myself to 18 cigarettes a day, and take them out of the pack and put them in a sandwich bag. So now I have to buy cigarettes AND sandwich bags. Quiting is costly. Well, after a week, I cut down to 16 and then 14 etc. So far this is working I only smoke the 18 and sometimes I have some left over but, Marlboro is not t mobile and I cannot roll over my unused smokes. 18 a day no more. The downside, is now I am carrying my precious smokes around in a sandwich bag, which one, makes me feel like a shady crack head and two, I am in constant fear of breaking my cigarettes because they are in a sandwich bag. Bonus, the sandwich bag keeps loose tobacco from collecting in the bottom of my bag and I can save it all and make my own cigarette.
That is all.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE POST! I am going cold turkey on smoking...I have done it before but the reason I have before was because I was pregnant. I cant seem to find a good enough reason now! LOL! Well I love reading your posts and I have started my own to try to deal with this whole not smoking thing and of course to maybe alleviate some of my stress and tension! :D GOOD LUCK AND LOTS O LOVE! xoxo
